Sunday, August 8, 2010

Quitting Smoking for Walt Disney World!

In case you haven't noticed I am very excited for our trip. The planning has really been awesome. As I have said before my MIL is paying for all the trips expenses. This in a way emberasses me but I know my MIL well enough to know that if she didn't want to do this she wouldn't. She is da' bomb! Even though my ex-husband and I are divorced I think of my MIL as my 2nd Mom. If my ex ever decides to get re-married I am going to look at it this way. I was here first, I am the mother of the grandchildren, I have seniority, so... MY MIL.... LOL!
Even though my generous MIL is doing all these wonderful things if I want something while we are there I will have to buy it:) Not a problem but over the last week I have found that there will be some things I want in advance. One thing being the essential trip item. Personalized Mickey ears. My girls inherieted my anti-minnie stance so it is Mickey all the way:) Then of course they will need special Disney autograph albums for all those wonderful autographs they will be getting ( secretly I will also be getting an autograph album to, but shhhh...) and starter sets for Pin trading which I will cover in another post. All of those things in addition to ID cards for the girls, which have to be government issued, a replacement Birth Certificate for Alianna, and some other things needed for the trip we are talking about some serious cash before the trip. So knowing this trip means a lot I have decided to do some things to make sure I can save money. Quitting smoking is one. Man it is hard:(  I have been doing this cutting back before I quit route and it is helping. It is still hard though. Planning this trip has been a blessing because it has kept my mind occupied. My Mom has my cigarettes and she is being tough. So I know I can't sneak and I can't cheat. She will find out and be disappointed it me, lol. So not only will the trip to WDW be a once in a lifetime experience but it will also be a journey to a healthier me.
My mom had this to say " If I would have known a trip to WDW would make you quit smoking I would have taken you years ago".


Anonymous said...

Whatever it takes to get your lungs back, it is worth the cost! Just remember, everytime you don't light up when you wanted to, you just won a battle -- win enough battles, and you will win the war! Good going! Keep it up!